…And Why Would You Need Truth?
Stop the circle jerk bullshit.
Trying to arrive at one version of truth is like constantly nodding your head and hoping the world would stay still.
Ain’t happening, brother.
The question, whether man was born the way he was or if he can make himself the way he wants, in other words, whether the universe is deterministic or if free will exists, becomes redundant when you realize that the nature of consciousness is intentional.
As Husserl rightly said.
The more you stand on the side of determinism, the more determined the world would seem to be. More you acknowledge free will, the more value you will infuse into your actions and the more you start ‘noticing’ changes.
All fuckin’ semantics and mental make-believe that gets guys like Sam Harris and Daniel Dennet quarreling over nothing.
As I was writing down these thoughts, I began to think: Why does man want a single version of truth, after all?
If the world is constantly moving and everything is in motion — philosophically as Buddha said or even scientifically aka quantum physics — or even if none of that is happening, the human intellect always likes to cut and move, anyways. So what even is truth and why truth?
Here’s the answer I found:
Man seeks truth for certainty. Certainty of what? Survival? Even if, in the modern age, a large percentage of human population has already ensured physical survival, man has still not escaped the vulnerabilities of psychological survival.
There is always a threat around the corner and there will always be. Evolutionarily speaking, this would just be a manifestation of the sabretooth prowling behind the bushes or a possible possum for dinner.
In short: Man desperately wants to avoid and deny death.
Accept death and none of this matters. World becomes a playground and you stop fussing about stupid things like determinism or free will and start acting out of joy.
And mind you: Any kind of hope for spiritual luminescence is null until you actually garner an intelligence that breaks through everything beyond this universe and the mind.
Beyond the intellect.
Until then, your latest Yoga classes are just circle jerk bullshit.